Filtering Image Applying Under Colors. Inverting. Flipping Horizontal. Flipping Vertical. Exporting image. Acquiring image. Saving Scitex™ CT file. Saving Monochrome TIFF file. Saving Black TIFF file. Saving Yellow TIFF file. Saving Magenta TIFF file. Saving Cyan TIFF file. Saving EPSF file. color image. Combining image layers. Demonstration ƒ Applying "Smooth" filter. Applying "Unsharp Mask" filter. mm Ink calibration Rotating image to left. Rotating image to right. Rebuilding color tables. Choose volume to store temporary files: Rotating image. Custom Undefined Saving PICT file. Saving Photone Prepress™ file. Saving TIFF file. Reading PICT file. Reading Photone Prepress™ file. Reading TIFF file. Save image as Select image file filter. Applying Creating EPSF master file. Postscript® file. Saving color separation. larger deeper wider Straight Line Current Image Curve Current Curve 100% 0% Darken Lighten Burn-in Dodging Processing Downloading B&W conversion. Printing in progress.